General Seller FAQs
How do I register as a seller?
To register as a seller, visit the HarBazar Seller Portal and click on the “Sign Up” button. You’ll need to provide necessary details such as your business name, contact information, and tax-related documents. Once submitted, you’ll receive a confirmation email to complete your registration. Register Now
What are the eligibility criteria for selling?
To sell on HarBazar, you must be:
- At least 18 years old.
- A registered business or individual with proper tax documentation (if applicable).
- Able to comply with HarBazar’s seller policies and product guidelines.
How do I manage my seller account?
You can manage your seller account by logging into the Seller Portal, where you can update your business details, track your orders, manage inventory, and view performance reports. Register Now
What fees are associated with selling?
Yes, there are fees associated with selling on HarBazar. These include:
- A commission fee on each sale (varies by Price).
- Transaction fees (payment processing charges).
- Optional subscription fees for premium services or Memberships Plans.
What types of products can I sell?
You can sell a wide range of products, including electronics, fashion, home goods, and more, as long as they comply with HarBazar’s listing guidelines. Certain products, such as illegal items or counterfeit goods, are strictly prohibited. Register Now
How do I update my business information?
To update your business details (e.g., contact information, bank account), go to the “Account Settings” section in the Seller Portal and make the necessary changes or Contact Us. Register Now
How can I increase my visibility on HarBazar?
Optimize your product listings with clear images, detailed descriptions, and competitive prices. You can also take advantage of promotional tools such as sponsored ads and featured listings to boost visibility. Register Now
Listing and Product Management
How do I add a new product listing?
To add a new product, log into your Seller Portal, go to the “Products” section, and click on “Add New Product” or ”Icon.” Fill in the required details, including product name, category, price, quantity, and a detailed description. Don’t forget to upload high-quality images to attract buyers. Register Now
What are the image requirements for product listings?
Your product images should be at least 800 x 800 pixels for better visibility. Ensure that the images are clear, well-lit, and show the product from multiple angles. The background should be plain, preferably white, to keep the focus on the product. Register Now
Can I edit my product listings after publishing them?
Yes, you can edit your product listings at any time. Go to the “Products” section in the Seller Portal, select the product you want to update, and make changes to the description, price, images, and stock quantity. Register Now
How do I set the correct price for my product?
Pricing should be competitive but also cover your costs, including shipping, fees, and taxes. You can use market research tools available in your Seller Portal or competitor pricing as a reference to ensure your pricing is attractive to customers. Register Now
How do I manage inventory for my products?
In the Seller Portal, you can update the stock quantity of each product. When an item sells, your inventory will automatically be adjusted. You can also set stock alerts to notify you when your inventory reaches a certain threshold. Register Now
What do I do if my product goes out of stock?
If a product goes out of stock, it will be marked as unavailable on the site. You can either remove the listing temporarily, mark it as “out of stock,” or update your stock quantity once you have more units available. Register Now
How can I increase my visibility on HarBazar?
Optimize your product listings with clear images, detailed descriptions, and competitive prices. You can also take advantage of promotional tools such as sponsored ads and featured listings to boost visibility. Register Now
Can I sell variations of the same product (e.g., size or color)?
Yes, you can list product variations like size, color, or material. On the product listing page, choose the “Add Variation” option and input the details of each variant. Register Now
Order Management
How do I manage incoming orders?
All incoming orders will be listed in your Seller Portal under the “Orders” section. You will receive a notification whenever a new order is placed. From there, you can view order details, including customer information, product(s) ordered, and shipping address. Register Now
How do I update the status of an order?
Once you fulfill an order, you can update the status by marking it as “Shipped” in the Seller Portal. If there are any issues with the order, such as delays, you can adjust the status or contact the customer directly to inform them. Register Now
What should I do if a product is out of stock after an order is placed?
If an item goes out of stock after an order is placed, notify the customer immediately and offer a solution. You can offer a similar product, backorder the item, or provide a refund. Make sure to update your stock levels to prevent future issues. Register Now
How do I process returns and refunds?
Follow the return and refund procedures outlined in HarBazar’s policy. If the customer is eligible for a return, approve the return request, arrange for the return shipment, and issue a refund once the product is received. Be sure to communicate clearly with the customer throughout the process.
What happens if an order is returned?
If an order is returned, you will receive the product back in your inventory (if applicable). You are required to issue a refund or exchange depending on the reason for the return. Ensure the product is inspected upon return to ensure it is in good condition. Register Now
Payments and Fees
When will I receive my payments?
Payments are processed on a weekly basis. Once your payment is processed, it will be transferred to your linked bank account. You can track payment statuses in the “Payments” section of the Seller Portal. You can also apply for withdrawal. Register Now
What are the fees associated with selling on HarBazar?
HarBazar charges a commission fee on each sale, which varies depending on the product Price From 1-12%. Additionally, there may be transaction fees for payment processing, and optional fees for using premium seller tools, Membership plans or promotions. Register Now
How can I view and track my earnings?
You can view your earnings by navigating to the “Reports” section in your Seller Portal. This will provide detailed insights into your sales, fees, and payment history. Register Now
What happens if a customer requests a refund or chargeback?
If a customer requests a refund, the amount will be deducted from your earnings. You will be notified, and you can review the details in the “Payments” section. Ensure your products meet quality standards to minimize refund requests. Register Now
Customer Service
How do I handle customer inquiries or complaints?
When a customer reaches out with an inquiry or complaint, respond promptly through the communication tools in your Seller Portal. Provide clear, polite, and helpful responses. If necessary, escalate the issue to our support team for further assistance. Register Now
How can I improve customer service in my store?
To enhance customer service:
- Respond to inquiries quickly and courteously.
- Ensure your product descriptions and images are accurate.
- Provide clear return, refund, and shipping policies.
- Maintain high product quality and timely delivery.
Can I block or report a troublesome customer?
If a customer is abusive or violates the platform’s terms of service, you can report them through the Seller Portal. Our customer support team will investigate the issue and take appropriate action. Register Now
What should I do if I receive a complaint about a product?
If a customer complains about a product, first try to resolve the issue by offering a refund, exchange, or other solution. If the product issue is recurring, consider reviewing your product quality or updating your listings to prevent future complaints. Register Now
What happens if a customer leaves a negative review?
Negative reviews are an opportunity to improve. Address the customer’s concerns, offer a solution, and ensure that you meet their expectations. If you believe the review is unjust, you can escalate the issue to our support team for a resolution. Register Now
Need More Assistance
You can reach our customer service team through the “Contact Us” section in your Seller Portal, via email at We also offer live chat support during business hours.
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